Cause for Paws Cares, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charity and recognized by the Internal Revenue Service and the State of Maryland. Our goal is to do what is right by the animals we rescue. We have a very successful cat adoption program because we are careful to match our animals with a human and/or human family. You are invited to browse the listing shown in the Adoption webpage or contact me directly, Connie Carter 301-980-0444, to discuss your wish list.  The application and contract forms below are both required in order to finalize an adoption. If adopting through a Petsmart event, you also need the Petsmart agreement.* Petsmart Silver Spring hosts adoption events for Bowie Cause for Paws.

  • Application to Adopt with Adoption Contract Form DOC  |  PDF
  • Petsmart event, Petsmart Agreement Form   Doc  |  PDF
       *Petsmart hosts Cause for Paws Cat Adoption Events at these locations:
  • Petsmart Silver Spring 12020 Cherry Hill Rd    Silver Spring, MD 20904
    (301) 586-8262
    Call Connie for times
    Near the intersection of Cherry Hill Rd and Plum Orchard Dr 
    Map and Directions to SS Petsmart

Copyright 2015-present. Cause for Paws. All rights Reserved..

Cause for Paws Cares is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Bowie, Maryland 20715.

Who we are

We are a nationally recognized Nonprofit Charity, 501(c)(3), focused on pets and community animals.
47-1824249 Cause for Paws Cares Inc.

What we do

We interact and work with the City of Bowie Animal Control, Prince George's Animal Management, veterinarians and animal hospitals, animal adoption and shelter centers and local residents for animal wellness, protection, rescue, and adoption.

We do compassion.

Why join us

The cost to taxpayers is staggering.  By helping us, the taxpayer burden is reduced.

Education on community animals is virtually non-existent. Our education and outreach programs impact lives - both animal and human.

Seniors, families with reduced and little income, neighbors and friends, are surprisingly not aware of  help close-by or feel shame in asking.  Our assistance is deeply passionate and far reaching.

Help Us Care for the Animals!

Every little bit helps! Your donation may be tax deductible, we are a 501(c)(3)   DONATE to Cause for Paws Cares, Inc.

Webmaster Carol Paterick

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